Cultural world
[Good book review] Peace and joy with every step – White lotus in the middle of life by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Psychological and mental illnesses often go undiagnosed because the patient is afraid to speak out, or because loved ones around them either don’t know, or deliberately ignore the signs of the illness.
“All the bright places” by author Jennifer Niven is considered an extraordinary book.
They first met on the narrow ledge of the high school bell tower when both were driven by suicidal thoughts.
The book, with a gentle, witty and warm style, deals with first love, while also expressing the difficult years of adolescence isolated in its own world by the differences between the two.
Finch or Violet, with all sincerity and passion, think that love can overcome pain and that if devoted entirely to each other, love will save the soul.
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The exercises are adventures exploring the Indiana region with strange places, places that for others are normal, but for Finch and Violet, there they find the meaning of life, love, and sharing.
Because, a quote from Finch awakened Violet, and perhaps also convinced some of us who are tired, struggling in our own lonely world to find the meaning of life:
No one can understand why Finch always wants to die, because he is smart, knowledgeable, memorizes ancient poetry, and above all, always encourages Violet to return to life and her hobby of writing.