Dry white scalp flakes on the shoulders or hair are something no girl wants to encounter.
Photo: averie woodard
Learn about dry scalp
Causes of dry scalp
Similar to your facial skin, your scalp is also made up of sebaceous glands and can be divided into many types from dry to oily.
Photo: Daiga Ellaby
Dry scalp can also occur due to temperature effects.
Photo: Ren QingTao
In addition, frequent contact with products used for the scalp such as shampoo, styling gel, and hairspray is also one of the causes of dry scalp.
Photo: Element5 Digital
Differentiate between dry scalp and dandruff
Dandruff and dry scalp have the same main symptoms of flakes and itchy scalp.
The secret to being healthy and beautiful
Correctly understand dandruff and learn simple ways to treat dandruff
In a dry scalp, the skin becomes irritated and flaky when you lack moisture.
Photo: ceri grenfell hairdressing
How to care for dry scalp?
Change hair care chemicals to products with natural ingredients
Mr. Burg suggests using products that are sulfate-free (a foaming agent to remove sebum or fat) because they are very drying.
Photo: freepic.diller
To replenish moisture, look to aloe vera, vitamin E and baobab oil as these are the best ingredients for hydration.
Wash your hair two to three times a week
The scalp contains billions of good bacteria with hundreds of different types.
Photo: Laura Marques
Stop mechanically exfoliating your scalp
Exfoliating beads may seem like they’ll slough off excess skin, but they actually have the opposite effect.
Photo: Nik MacMillan
Do not apply conditioner to the scalp
Apply conditioner at the ends of hair strands, avoid getting it on the roots because conditioner indirectly causes dryness.
Use serum for dry scalp
Start using hair conditioner supplements
Look for supplements with key ingredients like Omega 3 oils, vitamins A, C and E. These will work wonders for maintaining skin structure and moisture.
Photo: kyle smith
Know when it’s time to see a dermatologist
When scalp flakes fall too much and are too obvious, other hidden problems may be occurring.
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