When faced with unexpected bad news or prolonged conflicts, it is important to avoid attitudes that hurt yourself or the interests and hearts of others.
Nurture the power of composure to always believe and love life.
1. Breathe and drink water in one gulp
Taking deep breaths and drinking water is the first basic, quick way to eliminate stress and reduce pressure.
Breathe deeply at least five times, the movement of the muscles helps good blood circulation and eliminates `bad` air currents, creating just enough thinking space to circulate the emotional rhythm inside you.
2. Relax and stop being a perfectionist
Must practice deep breathing first, and then relax rhythmically.
Practice relaxing your mind
3. Overcome the mentality of focusing too much on other people’s personal thoughts
Don’t try to speculate about things you don’t know specifically.
4. Listen and know how to become a `helicopter` to observe the situation in a comprehensive way, then enjoy the present
That means even if you are in a bad situation, maintain the mindset: this can be a necessary phase of life.
Listen, reflect and be patient
5. Patiently practice `slow skills`.
6. Meditation
The writer does not need to explain or say more about `meditation`.
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