According to statistics from the Central Institute of Mental Health in 2016, about 30% of the Vietnamese population suffers from mental disorders and 25% of them suffer from depression.
Definition of stress, why do we feel stressed?
Stress is an adaptive response of the body/psychology to any demand, pressure or factor that exceeds your normal ability to cope.
Stress has three stages: ALARM, ADAPTATION & EXHAUST
Body manifestations during the alarm phase
Impaired memory and thinking
Increased blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, muscle activity intensity
During this period, the subject can completely die if the stress factor is too strong.
Tips for living
Science has proven: Having pets can help you reduce stress
The body manifests itself in the adaptation phase, also known as the support phase
Now you have control of the situation
The body restores balance
In normal people, as long as we pass the above two stages, our body will recover.
Body manifestations in the stage of exhaustion
At this point, stress turns into pathology when the situation that causes us stress is too intense or repetitive
Symptoms in stage 1 appear more frequently (fast heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, breath holding, memory loss…)
The body’s immune system is exhausted and the body’s functions gradually weaken
Help yourself and your loved ones reduce stress and overcome depression
When reading these data, we will certainly be startled by the serious consequences that stress can cause.
At the stage of exhaustion mentioned above, many people had to seek death as a way to escape.
Seeing the serious situation of community psychological health, at the ELLE Women In Society conference this August, the topic STRESS CONTROL & PRESSURE RELEASE will be organized by ELLE with the participation of Associate Professor –
Because the conference is completely free and the number of seats is limited, we encourage you to register in advance online.