Building sustainable fashion is simpler than you think

Building sustainable fashion is simpler than you think 2

Sustainable fashion is considered a trend of the new era, especially in the current context of serious environmental pollution.

During the Copenhagen Fashion Summit, scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council Linda Greer shared with those interested in sustainable fashion.

(Photo: greenearth cleaning)

You don’t need to know it all

When it comes to sustainable fashion, many people are concerned with knowing the necessary information, what they should and should not buy.

However, Ms. Greer shared: “We don’t want you to need an encyclopedia in your head.

Therefore, you do not need to worry about information about sustainable fashion, what is important is positive actions to build a sustainable fashion industry for the community.

(Photo: Getty Images)

Leverage the power of community

Ms. Linda Greer shared: `Consumers absolutely have the power to change the industry.`

According to Ms. Linda Greer, people do not think about the fact that fashion is largely responsible for emissions that pollute the environment.

According to a report by Pulse of Fashion Industry last year, the fashion industry emitted 1.715 million tons of CO2 in 2015. This industry is also the second largest cause of water pollution after industrial waste in China.

Fashion really affects the environment and consumers need to be aware and spread this to the community to move towards sustainable fashion.

(Photo: fashionfilesmag)

Use budget effectively

Instead of using your budget to buy an expensive organic cotton t-shirt made in the USA, consider donating to one of the many non-profit organizations that actively promote sustainable fashion.

Many experts are working hard to transform the current fashion industry into a place where people can shop in a “sustainable” way.

(Photo: allofeco)

Don’t bother with the boycott

Many people have declared that they will not continue to buy and use products from brands related to issues that are harmful to the environment.

“Buyers aren’t interested and those who are interested aren’t buying,” Ms. Greer stated.

Brands won’t listen to someone who says, `I’ve never shopped here and never will.`

(Photo: fibre2fashion)

Ask about things that interest you

According to scientist Linda Greer: “They want people to buy their brand, not just because it’s a nice shirt, but because of what it represents, because of a sense of identity… That makes them sensitive

Fashion brands today are making efforts to build and disseminate their brand image to the community.

Let brands know what you think.

(Photo: Caique Silva)

See more:

Metiseko – Vietnamese lifestyle and culture in sustainable fashion

Dana Cohen – Young creative pursuing sustainable fashion

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