Coco Chanel once said: `Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance`, roughly translated: Simplicity is the key to true elegance.
Amy – Fashion Jackson Blog
Amy is one of the famous fashion bloggers who is loyal to the minimalist fashion style.
(Photo: Instagram @fashion_jackson)
(Photo: Instagram @fashion_jackson)
Besides jeans, handbags are the accessories Amy invests in the most.
(Photo: Instagram @fashion_jackson)
Sara Crampton – Harper and Harley Blog
Sara Crampton was one of the first fashion bloggers in Australia.
(Photo: Instagram @harperandharley)
(Photo: Instagram @harperandharley)
Sara Crampton’s fashion style only uses monochromatic colors such as black, white, gray and denim, but each combination is carefully invested.
(Photo: Instagram @harperandharley)
Michaela Babuskova – Figtny Blog
Just like other girls who pursue minimalist fashion style, Michaela Babuskova likes to wear monochromatic items such as black, white, beige, brown… However, minimalism style is not limited to just clothes.
(Photo: Instagram @figtny)
(Photo: Instagram @figtny)
Whether wearing elaborate or minimalist outfits, harmony in patterns, materials and accessories is a prerequisite in Michaela Babuskova’s style.
(Photo: Instagram @figtny)
Christie Tyler – NYCBambi Blog
Black and brown are two colors favored by Christie Tyler.
(Photo: Instagram @nycbambi)
(Photo: Instagram @nycbambi)
(Photo: Instagram @nycbambi)
Jessie Bush – We the people style
Pastel colors such as blue, pink, purple are combined well with brown and white, bringing a harmonious, elegant overall look.
(Photo: Instagram @wethepeoplestyle)
Not only about fashion, We the people style blog also gives you a lot of inspiration.
(Photo: Instagram @wethepeoplestyle)
(Photo: Instagram @wethepeoplestyle)
Kaitlyn Ham – Modern Legacy
When the minimalist minimalist style becomes popular, what you need to care about is how to create your own mark.
Kaitlyn helps office girls reduce thinking time with highly applicable suggestions.
(Photo: Instagram @kaity_modern)
(Photo: Instagram @kaity_modern)
(Photo: Instagram @kaity_modern)
Mirjam Flatau – Mija
Mirjam Flatau describes his fashion style as “minimalist with a touch of California bohemian.”
(Photo: Instagram @mija_mija)
(Photo: Instagram @mija_mija)
You will not only find Mirjam in black-white or brown-black outfits but also feel how she loves fashion and is passionate about art.
(Photo: Instagram @mija_mija)