5 safe and effective ways to help you reduce belly fat

5 safe and effective ways to help you reduce belly fat 4

Although it does not have a direct impact on fat accumulated in the abdominal area, this article will explain to you the core reason why your `butt` increases day by day and how to help you slim your waist.

1. Full breakfast

It may seem counterintuitive that we recommend eating if you want to lose weight;


Healthy breakfast

Build a healthy menu for breakfast:

Protein: eggs, beans, peanut butter, nuts, lean meat

Fiber: oats, fresh fruits and green vegetables

Limit refined sugar: avoid sweetened breakfast cereals, pancakes, cakes and instant oatmeal.

Remember: Oats and other low-GI carb foods help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, making weight loss easier.

2. Relieve stress

Research shows that the production of cortisol (a hormone in the body produced during times of stress) is directly proportional to the increase in waist measurement. You can relieve daily stress with a

– Sleep at least 7 hours every night.

– Set yourself a time during the day to relax, even if it’s just 15 minutes during your lunch break, close your eyes, breathe deeply and forget your worries.

– Don’t let things/events that stress you out stay away from where you sleep.

– The bedroom is not a workplace.

3. Set a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day

One study showed that for people who walked 1,500 steps less than the 10,000 step mark (without changing their diet), abdominal fat increased by 7% in just 2 weeks.

– Equip yourself with a step counter and try to increase the number of steps you take every day.

Take the stairs instead of using the elevator;

– After 30 minutes of work, stand up and move 30 steps.

4. Use whole grains instead of refined grains

According to a scientific study, people who consume whole grains (5 servings of vegetables and fruits, 3 servings of low-fat dairy foods, and the remaining 2 servings of lean meat, fish, and meat)

– Cereals melt fat.

– Avoid using white cereals.

5. Drink lots of water

Studies recommend that regardless of each person’s diet, drink water regularly throughout the day to make metabolism more active.

– Try to drink 8 glasses of water, each glass is about 200ml or a total of 1.8 liters of water per day.

– Always carry a water bottle with you and drink whenever you feel thirsty.

Learn to feel your body when you drink enough water.

– Limit drinking alcohol, soft drinks (Coca – Cola, 7-Up, Pepsi and other unsweetened carbonated drinks) and carbonated beverages.

Wishing you success in your journey to find a slim waist!

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