15 beautiful quotes about fashion by designer Christian Dior

15 beautiful quotes about fashion by designer Christian Dior 4

Christian Dior – one of the world’s greatest fashion houses, has left behind many priceless legacies to humanity as well as the fashion industry.

christian dior and quotes about elegant fashion

The image of a woman that Christian spends his life pursuing and dedicating to is the image of elegance.

1. `Elegance is hidden everywhere, especially in discreet and silent things.`

Photo: Getty Images

2. “Just by following simple fashion principles and carefully choosing clothes that speak to your personality, you can be elegant without having to spend too much money on clothes.”

(Photo: Papermag)

3. “Elegance must be a complete combination including distinction, naturalness, thoughtfulness and simplicity.

Photo: Cr Fashion Book

4. `An elegant woman will never blindly follow fashion.`

Photo: Designer Vintage)

5. “Dressing well is the secret to true elegance.

Photo: Cr Fashion Book

the lasting beauty of  women from the perspective of Christian Dior

In the opinion of designer Christian Dior, fabrics and accessories are only the essential things that create a woman’s beautiful appearance.

6. “Simplicity, good taste, and grooming are the three basic elements of dressing well and you won’t have to spend money to buy them.”

(Photo: Financial Times)

7. `The simpler the outfit, the more gorgeous the accessories must be.`

(Photo: Fluoro Digital)

8. “Concern about shoes is never redundant.

(Photo: Cr Fashion Book)

9. “Happiness is the key to beauty.

Photo: Creative Boom

10. `There are no `ugly women` in the world, there are only women who don’t know how to make themselves attractive.`

Photo: Creative Boom

11.`The scent of perfume reveals more about a woman than her handwriting.`

Photo: Getty Images

12. “Long after people forget what you wore, the memory of your perfume still lingers.”

(Photo: Fluoro Digital)

Christian Dior inspires the pursuit of passion

From a young age, Christian Dior showed his passion and talent for art.

13. “Everything I know, see or hear, every moment of my life is transmitted into my clothes.

Photo: Creative Boom

With the mission of bringing confidence and elegant beauty, Dior always understands women’s desires and dreams, even the most unrealistic dreams.

15. “Deep in a woman’s heart there is always a sobbing dream.

(Photo: Keystone)

Christian Dior is a `revolutionary` with classy Haute Couture collections.

Photo: Tripsavvy

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