11 safe ways to lose weight in the spirit of `little accumulation makes big`

11 safe ways to lose weight in the spirit of `little accumulation makes big` 3

Below are 11 safe ways to lose weight while still helping you maintain your perfect figure for a long time from nutritionist Kelly Leveque.

Upgrade your smoothie

You should quit the habit of snacking.

Photo: Freestocks

Use chlorophyll

One of the safe ways to lose weight is to drink chlorophyll.

Limit the use of milk cream

You don’t necessarily have to stop drinking coffee, but you should limit your use of cream.

Skip the snacks

If you plan to eat a snack, consider it because it is a processed food that is not good for your health.

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Become a `lovely Spring lady` with the secret to losing weight for each area of the body

Say no to sugary drinks

Be careful with sugary drinks because they will increase your blood sugar levels, making you feel even thirstier afterward.

Dangers of eating late at night

Of course, a late night slice of pizza won’t immediately have a negative effect on you.

Photo: Armando Ascorve Morales

Limit eating out

Instead of eating out, you can make simple dishes at home such as roti chicken, salmon, shrimp with vegetables.

Doing morning excercises

HIIT exercises in the morning can help your body multiply the amount of growth hormone that maintains muscle and melts excess fat.

Go to bed early

People who get enough sleep are often lighter and healthier than those who stay up late.

Photo: Kinga Cichewicz

Drink more water

Drink water regularly throughout the day to take full advantage of the effectiveness of H2O.

Goodbye bread

Foods with a high glycemic index such as bread, pasta, and dried fruit can lead to insulin resistance, causing you to eat more and gain weight.

See more:

Remember the following 10 principles and you will find weight loss much simpler

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Article: Frett

Source: ELLE Women’s Magazine

Photo: Unsplash

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